Our professionals of Semiconductor Equipment have vast industry knowledge which helps them in providing the clients with high quality TEL P8XL. We source these products only from reliable and trusted vendors. Each of our products undergoes a stringent quality test under the supervision of the experienced and skilled team of quality controllers.

We are a giant supplier of TEL P8XL. We are looking for partners who can operate those business with us. All our prices are very competitive. If you are interested, please contact us

Model: TEL P8XL ( With chiller -40)
TEL P8XL( With chiller -40)

P-8XL Prober Basic System with Hot chuck option (~ 150℃)
XY coordinator & BIN I/F BIN GPIB interface
GP-IB Interface assembly
Brush and Polish Option Needle polish option
Real –Time Wafer Mapping Option
Ethernet port for net use
Precise Z
Demo Run Probe
Demo Run Inking
Check Voltage
Display Pannel
Singal Tower Light
Vaccum and Air Meter
Loader and Stage action check
Chiller -40 degree


We are experienced TEL P8XL supplier and exporter in Taiwan. Due to well satisfy the needs of customers, we will keep on promoting our skills of products and good service to all of them. For more styles wanted and further information, please contact us right now!

Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturing, Inc. is a professional company dealing in a wide variety of TEL P8XL that are available for our clients. We satisfy customers’ requirement by offering stable and reliable products of best qualify. With clients’ appreciation, we can do better for sure. Please contact us and join right now.